Centres of engineering industry in Europe
the Main industry in Europe is engineering. It accounts for about 1/3 of the industrial production of the region. To the group leaders engineering includes such countries as great Britain, Germany, France and Italy.
Machine for rotary drawing
the Scope of circular cold-rolled CNC machines are very wide, parts are made by rotational hoods are used in military, automotive, aviation, chemical and aerospace industry, in everyday life we are confronted with these products in the kitchenware, lighting, conditioning, etc.
Drilling glass
Glass is a difficult material to handle. And in order to subject it to any impacts, for example, drilling, carefully, step by step approach to this process. In addition, for performing the processing, use a special drill.< / span>
Design and form mold
the mold for casting under pressure is a tool used in conditions of cyclic temperature changes by several hundred degrees. In these working conditions to produce the desired casting quality press form is made to the nearest 0.05 mm . To fulfill this condition, engineers and technologists in the molds developed many design solutions to …. Read More
Drill sharpening
When sharpening drill bits, special attention should be paid to the angle at the vertex, axis rear angle, length of the transverse cutting edge back taper and the front corner of Potocki transverse cutting edge. Liane of the apex angle 2φ of the drill when grinding is caused by the change of thickness a and …. Read More
The threading
Проанализировав способы получения резьбы разными производителям позволяет повысить эффективность и рентабельность нарезки резьбы в отверстиях. В этой статье я постарался представить плюсы и минусы различных методов получения резьбы: 1. Нарезание внутренней резьбы метчиками. 2. Нарезание наружной резьбы плашками 2. Фрезерование резьбы, 3. Точение резьбы, 4. Шлифование внутренней резьбы.
Припуски на обработку поковок и отливок
Припуски на обработку поковок и отливок зависят от размеров и способа получения заготовок и колеблются в широких пределах. От требуемой шероховатости поверхности (до Ra 0,63…0,32 мкм после обработки) должны иметь припуск 3…5 мм при габаритных размерах до 250 мм.
Milling machine CNC for tool production
The task was to run and help with the implementation of a router CNC in tool production. The choice of milling machine with CNC was pretty good. I for the last 4 years have not seen a milling machine with CNC, which was better suited for work in the tool shop than DNN400а manufactured by …. Read More
The types of CNC milling machines wood
in order to efficiently conduct the processing of wood, now began to use milling machines with program control. Often treat shaped details made of wood. Ploskostei milling and processing of profiles milling various kinds of reliefs and three-dimensional milling parts — this is all made possible thanks to milling machine for wood CNC. Such equipment …. Read More
In this article we will discuss a tool which has the form of a steel groove having a rectangular cross-section used for continuous breaking chips. This tool is Called a chip breaker.