World machine tools

world stankostroenie

machine tool industry is the main branch of engineering. The main producers of this equipment is considered state of the United States, Japan, Germany, Italy, France which are leaders in scientific and technological progress. They produce about 75% of the machines are created all over the world.

According to statistics 2002 turnover machines all over the world led by Germany, Japan, Italy, China and the United States. Exports to the fore as Germany, Italy, Japan and Switzerland.
machine tool industry is an important sector that determines the development of machine-building plants.


it is Worth noting that, if we consider groups of States, then Europe has a leading position in the world production of machine tools.
the Construction industry is characterized by the fact that its development is constantly observed, the downs, then jumps up. When deteriorating economic situation, reduced orders in the machine tool industry. For example, one of these downturns was in 2002. Overall since 1990, the global production of equipment for metal processing decreased by about one third.


machine tools in the world

are Greatly affected by the economic crisis of the nineties of the last century has lost the status of an advanced nation in the development of engineering in Russia. While there was a decline of about 10 times of metal-working equipment and about 20 times forging equipment.

the world Situation is constantly changing. More recently, in the machine tool industry is completely invisible China was, however, at the moment, this country can be called the best.


modern machine Park

Despite the positive trends, Russia lags behind the leading countries in the production and consumption of machine tools. According to statistics, in 1954, the Soviet Union occupied the second place in the machine tool industry after the United States. In the early nineties, he ranks third in the consumption and second in production of machines. But in 2011, Russia is already at 19 for the production of metal products and 15 by press-forging equipment.

the results of counting the global consumption market of machine tools in 2011 first place by a wide margin is China (35%), followed by Japan (9%), the third place is shared by Germany and the United States (8%). It is also worth noting countries such as South Korea (6%), Italy (4%), India (3%), Brazil (2%), Taiwan (2%).


At the moment, in order for Russia has not lost its position, government allocated huge funds for the development of machine tool industry, and it is planned to increase demand for equipment. One of the major machine tool enterprises in our country is Volzhskiy machine building plant.

By 2010, it had completed the serial production of the range of robots TUR own design with capacity from 15 to 350 kg, which is comparable technical characteristics to foreign analogues. This plant is included in the state Corporation ROS. technologies. Now there are big expectations that grew. technology will lead the market and become leaders in the modernization of machine building in Russia.


modern factory

На Волжском станкостроительном заводе низкую себестоимость, высокую точность и минимальные сроки изготовления даёт обработка деталей на обрабатывающих центрах серии  «КОМТОК»,»МС-400″ и др. КОМТОК-2 предназначен для высокопроизводительной токарной сверлильно-фрезерной обработки деталей диаметром до 200 мм и длиной до 120 мм. МС-400 предназначен для выполнения фрезерных, сверлильных и расточных операций на деталях средних размеров в единичном и мелкосерийном производстве. КОМТОК-ВТС предназначен для полной токарной обработки деталей типа диск.


строительство завода

Чтобы Россия смогла снова догнать стран-лидеров, желательно разработать государственную стратегию развития станкоинструментальной отрасли до 2030 года, разработать пакет мер, стимулирующих создание новых станкоинструментальных производств (не менее 50 станкостроительных заводов), создать профильный департамент станкостроительной отрасли в Минпромторге РФ или Минэкономразвитии РФ, а также отложить ратификацию о присоединении России к ВТО на 2 года, пересмотреть условия присоединения в отрасли станкостроения.

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