Types of building dryers

Construction work is a delicate matter. A lot of hard work for wood, the softening of the old lacquers, for fast subsequent removal, welding of films – this and much more helps to implement a tool, called building dryers. What kind of tool, its features, advantages and disadvantages, and what types of dryers are – all of this will be described in this article.< / span>

heat guns

For many not a secret that the basic principle of operation is based on the supply of hot air. This air helps to change the structure of the material, but also affects the process of work. The design, by the way, may resemble the design of a conventional dryer, which is used for drying hair.

Simple construction dryers can have two stages of temperature control. And in order to obtain the desired temperature, nozzle tool and workpiece must be within a certain distance.

Construction Hairdryer with electronic control system, will enable us more accurately to adjust and maintain the desired temperature. However, one should note that the temperature, which directly comes out of the nozzle varies. This oscillation is affected by the design of the nozzle and the working conditions, so these are perfect for construction and installation services like epoxy flooring installation which are professionals and work with these tools.

in order to adjust the working temperature, use a temperature sensor. Plus is an electronic control system. Some professionals use a heat gun, which has an led indicator on it, in fact, reflects the actual temperature. It is no secret that prior to the commencement of works, first of all, you need to try a Hairdryer using a sample.

building dryer

Great, by the way, if you used a heat gun has different attachments. That is, we were given the choice of more suitable attachments for the necessary work. I would like to add for the record that the cooling output nozzle and the nozzle is not instantly after turning off. And in order to avoid troubles, it is better still to remember that there are work gloves.

Bit reviewing the General principles of the construction of the dryer, move on to the application.

the Scope of building dryer

you Need to remove the old paint, but still applied in several layers? It is a building dryer will help in the implementation of such a difficult operation. Is an important factor as environmental safety in comparison with a chemical wash.

Next, a building dryer can be used if thermoplastic artificial material need to confer is molded, and preserving the original structure.

by the Way, construction Hairdryer is also possible to make a hole. There is the cutting nozzle. Note that the accuracy of performance of such an operation is quite high.

And the hot air is able to serve as welding pieces of plastic of the same kind. PVC film (thickness more than 1 mm) are also subject to welding.

I Wonder what a heat gun can speed up or slow down the curing process of the adhesive. Can contribute to the melting of the glue. Use construction dryer helps to remove tarawalie-tapping screws or bolts, namely, due to the heat.

this is mainly for such difficult operations used a heat gun. Consider some of the drawbacks, as they are, and quite significant.

the Disadvantages of building dryer

Well, first of all, it is striking that the paintwork to remove metal not just a Hairdryer — a discreet effect. Let me explain why: the metal itself is a good heat conductor, that is, it prevents the warming up of the removed coating.

Next, a thin film of PVC may not be welded to each other.

and yet another disadvantage: due to the fact that modern plastic has mixed properties (well rarely now meet plastics in its pure form), then you should test the dryer to the sample to make sure that the material will withstand the processing.

I Propose briefly to consider removing old paint construction dryer.

Removing old paint construction dryer

If you remove old paint from wooden surfaces using hot air, just, metal is much more complicated, and to say nothing about plastics.

so, we are tasked, for example, to clean the paint surface with a large area, what nozzle to use? By far, wide. Also, don’t forget safety equipment — safety glasses, work gloves are important to use when working. For example, all of the above rules are observed, and, therefore, turn to the setting temperature. It is placed on the maximum value. Usually 500 — 650 degrees Celsius. Next, put the mode on powerful airflow. Small tip: the surface of the heated small areas, making an indent from each other by 2-5 centimeters. Heat helps to ensure that the paint peeling off. Here we are with a scraper or tsiklej and scrapes.

This method helps to clean the smooth surface from the paint.

so, go to the used nozzles.

tips for building dryer

Usually, a set of nozzles building dryer is around 4 nozzles.

Often applicable attachments:

— plan;

— chirocentridae;

— focusing;

— reflectron;



nozzle building dryer

Accordingly, the flat nozzle is used to remove old paint, Wallpaper, sirakorola — to remove old sustainable paint from large surfaces, reflex to heat up plastic pipes before the deformation, the focusing for contactless sealing of the copper profile and pipe, slotted for welding of PVC sheet and foil cutting — for cutting the foam, for example.

Go directly to the types of building dryers. They highlight three: domestic construction, professional construction, industrial construction.

let’s Start with household construction.

Domestic building dryer

the Number of functions at the minimum acceptable price, ease of use.

This hair dryer has three-stage power switch — minimum capacity, average and maximum. The air temperature from 50 to 500 degrees Celsius.

Scope: this Hairdryer is easy to remove Wallpaper, to connect broken plastic parts. Household building dryer can act as a replacement blowtorch to some extent.

Professional construction dryer

Has a smooth power switch. Feature — a cold air stream. Expensive models to this have electronic indicator, which prevents the raising of the temperature above normal. The new models have stabilization system. The temperature reached to 700 degrees Celsius.

applications: roofing, flooring, plastic products welding, soldering of pipes made of copper.

Industrial building dryer

the Most powerful, by the way. Can supply cold air from the additional nozzle. This dryer can work with different material.

Despite the high price, industrial building dryer pays for itself completely.

types of building dryers

As you can see from this article – the variety of operations that are able to perform construction dryers, is sufficiently large. Despite some flaws, very fit and necessary tool, able to efficiently contribute to the running process.

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