Broach used in the production of machine-building enterprises, are of two types: internal, for handling a closed loop or hole of the most various and complex shapes, and outer applied to obtain an open surface. Broaching is a highly productive tool, for example, one wire replaces approximately 100-150 on resistance of core drills or reamers.< / span>
depending on the type of cutting broaches differ according to the type of application to them of force. In the case when power supply is applied to the shank of the broach, this type of broach is called firmware. Thus, the feeding of the work suffers sprain and firmware compression. To avoid buckling allows a rule saying that the length of the firmware should not exceed 15 times of its diameter. Broach finds wider application than the firmware, so in the future will deal mainly with pulling.
Finish receiving a cap in the surface of the part can get or cutting chips, or using the plastic deformation, i.e., the broaches have cutting and in addition a number of pressing teeth. Plastic deformation allows to obtain a high class of surface finish.

Internal type broaches are divided into the following subtypes:
— advance to round holes;
spline broach;
— shaped broach different profile (involute, Christmas, multifaceted, etc.).
external Broach type divided on the type of treated surface on a flat, shaped or semicircular. Depending on the applied cutting diagrams distinguish between pulling a single or the other profile, group and generator, depending on design teams, with false teeth, inlay work, equipped with plates of hard alloy, etc
Methods of broaching and the broaching tool is continuously being improved. In the design of the broaches should be considered the requirements that improve the performance of the process of extending and ensuring more reliable operation and increased longevity of the engine. This can be achieved in the following ways:
1) equipping the cutting part of the broach tool materials with enhanced cutting properties;
2) the improvement of geometric parameters of the cutting and control parts of broaches;
3) using more rational cutting schemes;
4) creation of normal conditions of the chips and placing the chips in metsubou the groove broaching;
5) creating a combined broaches, including rough and finish cutting surfaces in a single pass.
According to: Gigalo N. I., Kiselev V. V. design and manufacture of cutting tools.Often, to mitigate the coolant used methods of mitigating